At Miami State High School, Middle School refers to years nine and ten. We have a focus on developing the student holistically; to meet the educational and developmental needs of young adolescents of this age. Our Middle School Values Education Program, taught on a Friday has focus on wellbeing and career pathways. Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for senior school by balancing the core learning with a variety of elective subjects.
Students in year nine study five core subjects: English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science and Health and Physical Education (for one semester). Year nine students then select three elective subjects (please see the year nine page for detailed information about elective subjects).
Year ten students have two core subjects: English and Mathematics. Students then have a choice of four elective subjects (please see the year nine page for detailed information about elective subjects). Year ten is a taste-tester year where we encourage students to find subjects that they wish to continue with in senior to support their chosen pathway. These subjects should balance what students are good at with what they enjoy.
Middle School Contacts