Telephone: (07) 5554 0333
Facsimile: (07) 5554 0300
Email: admin@miamishs.eq.edu.au
CRICOS Provider Number: 00608A
Physical Address
2137-2205 Gold Coast Highway
Miami Qld 4220
Postal Address
PO Box 242
Nobby Beach Qld 4218
Early Student Departures
Email: EarlyDepartures@MiamiSHS.eq.edu.au
Parents/Carers must email the above email address to arrange an early departure, preferably before 8:30am on the day of departure. Phone calls will not be accepted.
Student Absence
Telephone: (07) 5554 0334
Email: absences@miamishs.eq.edu.au
Change of Student Details
Email: studentinfo@miamishs.eq.edu.au
General Enrolment Information
Telephone: (07) 5554 0340
Email: 2086_enrolments@eq.edu.au
Inclusive Practices
Telephone: (07) 5554 0326
Uniform Shop
Telephone: (07) 5554 0335
Finance Office
Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 8:00am - 12:00pm
Telephone: (07) 5554 0330
Please see
Payment Template.doc for payment options.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:45am to 1:20pm.
Telephone: (07) 5554 0319